Salary Prediction App using Machine Learning inside Docker

Nirali Arora
3 min readMay 27, 2021

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.

What is Docker?

Docker is a software platform for building applications based on containers — small and lightweight execution environments that make shared use of the operating system kernel but otherwise run in isolation from one another.

Now let’s jump to the task : )

Step 1 : Firstly docker service should be started in our system

cmd to start docker : #systemctl start dockercmd to enable docker service :#systemctl enable dockercmd to check status of docker : #systemctl status docker

Step 2 : Now pull centos image from docker hub

To pull image cmd is : #docker pull centos

it will download the latest version of Centos image

cmd to check docker images : #docker images

Step 3 : Launch Docker container

# docker run -it --name <container_name>  <image_name>

Step 4 : Install python inside docker

#yum install python3

Step 5 : Now install required libraries for creating a machine learning model

#pip3 install pandas scikit-learn

Step 6 : Copying dataset from docker host to docker container

To download the same dataset for practice

#docker cp <src file path> <container_name>:<dest path>

Step 7 : Creating Machine Learning model

Step 8 : Running Model through python


Successfully created Salary Prediction App inside a docker container.

Github_url of code and dataset:

Open for any queries and suggestions.



Thank You :)



Nirali Arora

ARTH Learner | AWS | Devops | Docker | Ansible | Kubernetes | MLOPS | Linux | Python | Python flask | AI | ML | DL | CV | MongoDB | Hadoop | GIT | GitHub