How big MNC’s like Google, Facebook, Instagram etc stores, manages and manipulate Thousands of Terabytes of data with High Speed and High Efficiency.
All of us know that google, facebook, instagram contains terabytes of data in terms of images, videos, messages etc.
Google, facebook, instagram etc all these are DATA ORIENTED. They have to be optimized in storing and managing data otherwise no one will use their services.
It is a big question that how they store, manage and manipulate such a big data.
It is impossible to store such a big data on a single device.
What is BIG DATA ❓️
Big data is also a data which is greater in size than storage capacity of a laptop.
Big data is a big problem for all these MNC’s.
Sub problems of big data -
1. Volume — The storage capacity of a device is known as its volume. As the data is much more bigger than the volume it becomes big data. It is a big problem for storing data.
2. Velocity — When we search anything on google, it reads the program file and gives us output within seconds. They have to do it otherwise no one will use their services. The faster they read and give output, this is known as VELOCITY.
To solve these problems they use a concept called DISTRIBUTED STORAGE.
What is distributed storage ❓️
Distributed storage is a concept in which data of one device (master) is splitted among many other devices or say laptops ( slaves ). All these laptops are connected through networking.
Each laptop is known as node.
This team of nodes is known as CLUSTER.
This design is called MASTER SLAVE TOPOLOGY.
🔺To implement this the technology that is used is HADOOP🔺
What is HADOOP ❓️
Hadoop is a framework that allows you to first store Big Data in a distributed environment, so that, you can process it parallely.
🔴🔷“Facebook relies on a massive installation of Hadoop, a highly scalable open-source framework that uses clusters of low-cost servers to solve problems. Facebook even designs its hardware for this purpose. Hadoop is just one of many Big Data technologies employed at Facebook.”🔷🔴
Thank you :)
- Nirali Arora
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